Altar Team Lead

Title: Altar Team Lead
Purpose: To maintain the altar/communion and worship space in ways which enhance worship and alleviate tasks for the worship team.
Responsible to: The Worship Team/Ministerial Team

Description of duties:
*making and changing seasonal church banners and altar cloths as dictated by church calendar
*creating/hanging /storing Christmas/Advent decorations and trees (coordinating Hanging of Greens and the taking down)
*buying/filling/cleaning Christmas Eve candles and holders
*ordering bread and juice for monthly communion and arranging its setup, clean-up and     people for each service to fill bread for the servers (also providing bread and juice for Wed. am communion, and children’s ministry each month)
*maintaining altar candles: ordering oil and filling bi-monthly
*providing Easter flowers and Christmas poinsettias in honor or memory of loved ones
(taking orders, ordering and picking up, arranging plants, watering ,distributing plants after season, and putting names in the bulletin)
*organizing meetings, agendas and minutes for our meetings as needed (4-5/yr)
*decorating worship space as needed at direction of worship team ( Lent and Thanksgiving are 2 specific needs)
*Attend quarterly Common Table gatherings

Time requirements:
We meet 4-5 times a year as dictated by the season (more would probably be better for communication and continuity for the team)
Communion is a monthly responsibility, as is filling the candles.
Changing the banners and cloths is a monthly/seasonal responsibility
 Advent is very busy for the committee, but not necessarily for the committee chair.

Term: 2yr

Training and Resources: guidelines given by worship team (we had a worshipful space workshop a couple of years ago)

Skills and gifts:  a servant’s heart, working behind the scenes, organizing/delegating, and the ability to invite people to the team that are creative.

Benefits to one serving in this role:
*Working with our wonderful ministerial and worship team
*The satisfaction of a beautiful worship space during all seasons, and a smoothly run, meaningful service of communion
*Working with a dedicated, talented team